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שטיח שלום.jpg

About My Work

I was brought up in Moshav Dor, a farming village by the sea, daughter of a father potter, mother teacher. Growing up and living in a surrounding environment composed of ancient ruins, close by an Arab village at the foot of the Carmel Mountain, my work was deeply influenced (and still influenced) by all of those. As a child, I spent many hours at my father’s workshop (who was one of the first potters in Israel), creating everything 100% by himself - the materials, the glazes, the engobes and even the required hardware. With my mother, I created collages and wall ornaments, and visited many exhibitions together.  Since I can remember myself, I always painted. During my studies in Boston, I missed working with clay, as I was only painting; that said, during times in which I focus on working with clay, I miss painting. During the year of 1995, with my return from a three-year studying period in Boston, I have established a pottery and painting studio in the very same village I grew up in, Moshav Dor. Throughout my walks in the local surrounding nature scenery, as well as in every other environment I happen to visit, I collect ready-made (used) materials.


I find each one of my collected findings unique and exciting, as each one holds different qualities; endless textures, shapes and materials, with the special touch given to them by their exposure to the winds of time, the sun and the rain. Together, these findings bring their fascinating story into my studio, as I attach them to my work. The way I see it, the collage enriches the painting’s story with more shapes and textures. The gluing action contributes by providing interesting layers that enriches the materiality and volume of my work. The Israeli light and the local natural color palette strongly reflect throughout my work. For me, color is an endless source of strength and freedom. Investigating and searching, listening, observing, dealing with materials and textures in all types of colors and shapes, as well as my daily studio routine, altogether encompass my true and great love. In correspondence with the layers, the collections and the collages involved in my work - family life, relationships and motherhood all intertwine and serve me as an endless source of inspiration. My life layers and daily rituals all merge into a deep prayer. My Journey as an artist involves listening to the depths of the heart, to the questions and answers, to prayers, to the inner voice, and to the freedom of creation.

I provide the space and time for the magnificent encounter between the fabrics and materials, enabling it to occur via my work. The images and symbols presented in my paintings remain primary and allow many possibilities of interpretation. They are contained within each other, and at the same time are able to contain others inside them, constantly developing and disintegrating. For me, each artwork is a creation of a new world - a world that holds a possibility to unite opposites, connect fragments, and a pray for better.

© 2024 Anat Beger

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